Codicote Parish Council meets in the Peace Memorial Hall, High Street, Codicote on the last Tuesday of every month except in August and December at 7:30pm and are held at the Peace Memorial Hall, High Street, Codicote. The following Committees with their Chairmen support the Parish Council:

  • Chairman of the Council: Cllr Mike Kane
  • Policy & Resources: Cllr Mike Kane
  • Planning: Cllr Russell Greene
  • Recreation and Environment:  Cllr Colin Argent

The agenda is displayed at least three clear days before the meeting.

The meetings start at 7:30pm and are open to the public and all are welcome to attend.

Full Council Meetings scheduled for: 2021

Tuesday 26th October

Tuesday 23rd November

Members of the public are welcomed at the meetings and a Public Forum is held at the beginning of each meeting, when those present are invited to speak on matters important to them. The Public Forum is limited to 10 minutes.

Codicote falls within the Stevenage constituency. The MP for Stevenage is Stephen McPartland. For more information go to or contact him by email:

If you wish to speak to any councillors during the current Covid-19 crisis on any matter relating to Codicote please contact the Clerk, Simon Crosier; or on 07754 745830