Regulation 16 Statutory Consultation – Codicote Neighbourhood Plan 2024-2032 (Submission Version)
Date of Consultation: Tuesday 10 December until 23:59 on Tuesday 28 January 2025
This consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan is being run by North Herts Council. If you wish to respond, please ensure that you follow the instructions below and respond to North Herts Council directly.
Codicote Parish Council, as the qualifying body, has prepared the Codicote Neighbourhood Plan 2024 – 2031, for the Neighbourhood Plan Area, which coincides with the Codicote Parish boundary.
The plan sets out a vision for the future of the neighbourhood planning area and planning policies which will be used to determine planning applications locally.
Copies of the Codicote Neighbourhood Plan and the supporting evidence base can be seen below. The Plan and supporting documentation can also be viewed on the North Herts Council’s website.
Instructions for Making a Representation on the Submission Version of the Neighbourhood Plan
Representations can be made:
Online :
Email :
Post : Strategic Planning and Projects Group, NHDC, PO Box 10613, Nottingham, NG6 6DW
When making your representation, you should consider whether the plan meets the basic conditions, set out below. The basic conditions statement prepared by Codicote Parish Council may help you understand what these are and whether Codicote Parish Council considers that they have met these requirements.
The basic conditions for Neighbourhood Plans are:
- Having regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issued by the Secretary of State, this includes the National Planning Policy Framework and Planning Practice Guidance;
- How the plan contributes to the achievement of sustainable development;
- The general conformity of the plan with the strategic policies of the development plan for North Hertfordshire District Council; and
- The compatibility of the plan with EU obligations.
When making your representation, please give as many details as possible about the Policy or Section you are commenting. Please be aware that all comments and representations will be made publicly available, including on our website, but personal details will be redacted. Anonymous responses will not be accepted.
Once the consultation period has ended, all the comments will be collated and forwarded to an independent examiner. The Examiner will be testing whether the plan meets the basic conditions and other legal requirements.
Regulation 14 Statutory Consultation – Codicote Neighbourhood Plan
The Codicote Neighbourhood Plan contains planning policies specific to Codicote. They will influence the design of new development, protect amenities and green spaces, provide guidance for developers on how to reduce traffic congestion and improve road safety, and preserve the heritage and ecology of Codicote. There is also a Project Plan to achieve positive improvements to facilities in the parish.
Starts Wednesday 7th February
Responses must be received (after viewing attached Codicote Policies for Reg 14 HR 30.01.24 Consultation Summary), in writing,
by midnight on Wednesday 27th March
using: –
1. Survey Monkey form – QR code
2. Printable form. See attached Printable form Reg 14 Consultation Response (1) or Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Regulation 14 Statutory Consultation Survey (
3. Paper form in Consultation Summary document
available in The Goat PH, Peace Memorial Hall or
John Clements Sports and Community Centre
If you require information in large print, or any
other help with responding, either drop in at the
open morning (details overleaf) or
contact Cllr Kane on 07836597041 (9am–6pm).
Codicote Parish Council and Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
Invite you to drop in at
Peace Memorial Hall, High Street, Codicote,
Saturday 9th March 2024, 10.30 am – 12.30 pm
to ask us questions, see the completed draft
Neighbourhood Plan document and, find out
how to respond to the consultation.
The Codicote Neighbourhood Plan contains planning policies
specific to Codicote. They will influence the design of new
development, protect amenities and green spaces, provide
guidance for developers on how to reduce traffic congestion and
improve road safety, and preserve the heritage and ecology of
Codicote. There is also a Project Plan to achieve positive
improvements to facilities in the village.
This will be your last
chance to tell us what you
think before we submit
the plan to North Herts
District Council.
You can use this QR code (see attached document Reg 14 Consultation Poster)
Design Codes
The Parish Council applied to Locality (the organisation that provides funding and technical support for neighbourhood planning), to have a Design Code written for Codicote. The Design Code complements the design policies in the Neighbourhood Plan. It can be used to judge the quality of planning applications and encourage developers to design new homes that are in keeping with the character of Codicote village.
Summary of Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting on Wednesday 13th June 2023 held at 7.00pm at the John Clements Sports & Community Centre
Attached below is a copy of the summary from the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group meeting held on Wednesday 13th June 2023.
Updated Neighbourhood Plan April 2023
A Preview of the materials that will be on display at the draft consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan on Saturday 29th April 2023 (see attachments).
There is a questionnaire available in the form of a QR code in the attachments for completion if you would like to respond to the survey but can’t make the meeting. Alternatively there is a feedback form in the attachments should you prefer an alternative to using a QR code.