Codicote Parish Council is made up of 10 councillors who are elected for a 4 year period. Our next elections are due in May 2022. Codicote is warded with eight councillors representing the Village ward and two Councillors representing Codicote East ward.

Below are the members of Codicote Parish Council, their wards and the committees they sit on.

Village Ward

Mike Kane

Council (chair), Environment & Recreation, Policy & Resources and Planning

Colin Argent

Council (vice chair), Environment & Recreation (Chair) and Policy & Resources

Peter Bexton

Council, Environment & Recreation and Policy & Resources

Jim Bundy

Council, Environment & Recreation and Policy & Resources

Georgia Gilbert

Council, Environment & Recreation, Planning and Policy & Resources

Caroline Mayger

Council and Environment & Recreation

Arthur South

Council, Environment & Recreation

East Ward

Robert Walker

Council, Environment & Recreation and Planning

Russell Green

Council, Environment & Recreation and Planning (Chair)

As required by law and in accordance with the Localism Act, a copy of the Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) of the Parish Councillors is available on the North Herts District Council website.

Clerk to the Council

Simon Crosier

Clerk to the council

County Councillor

Cllr Richard Thake

District Councillors

Codicote & Kimpton – Steven Patmore

Codicote & Kimpton – Cllr Ralph Muncer

Knebworth – Cllr Lisa Nash