Hertfordshire County Council’s 2023 Residents Survey is now open

Dear Town and Parish Councils,
We are calling all Hertfordshire Residents to have their say in Hertfordshire County Council’s Residents’ Survey

Our survey is key in building a dialogue with Hertfordshire residents about their lives in the county. To make the right decisions in how we allocate our resources, we are undertaking a survey of residents’ views to establish perceptions of the council and residents’ opinions on their communities, priorities, concerns and wellbeing. Parish, district and county councillors are also being invited to share their views. You can complete the survey here http://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/residentsurvey

Please spread the word and encourage residents in your council to take part. We want to hear from people from all walks of life and every response counts!

The findings of the survey will be used to help the council shape its priorities and will inform planning of the services to help to meet residents’ needs and expectations. It will also enable the council to measure progress against key priorities set in the Corporate Plan 2022-2025.

Our survey is available until the 15th of September 2023.

Kind regards,
The Corporate Policy Team

Lucy Brinkley
Policy officer | Corporate Policy Team | Resources
Hertfordshire County Council
Address: County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford, SG12 8DE. Postal Point: CHO 144
T: 01992 555315 (Internal 25315) E: lucy.brinkley@hertfordshire.gov.uk

Our vision is to create a cleaner, greener and healthier
Hertfordshire, guided by our RISE values

The information in this message should be regarded as confidential and is intended for the addressee only unless explicitly stated. If you have received this message in error it must be deleted and the sender notified. The views expressed in this message are personal and not necessarily those of Hertfordshire County Council unless explicitly stated. Please be aware that emails sent to or received from Hertfordshire County Council may be intercepted and read by the council. Interception will only occur to ensure compliance with council policies or procedures or regulatory obligations, to prevent or deter crime, or for the purposes of essential maintenance or support of the email system.

Land North of The Close – Comments on the Proposed Development

Land North of The Close – Comments on the proposed development

Codicote Parish Council would like to highlight to the parishioners of Codicote that you have an opportunity to comment on the proposed housing development on land north of The Close (CD3) for 43 homes. The following link provides details of the proposals and instructions on how to comment on those proposals https://www.manoroakhomes.co.uk/project/cod-077/ . The closing date for comment is Thursday 20th July 2023.

Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Meeting

The Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group is meeting on Tuesday 13th June at the John Clements Sports & Social Club for a 7.00pm start to discuss progress to date, the results of the recently conducted informal consultation and the next steps in progressing the plan. Attached is the agenda – all members of the public are welcome to attend.

Informal Consultation Event about the updated Codicote Neighbourhood Plan

Codicote Parish Council and Codicote Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group
Invite you to ‘’Come and have your Say ‘’
It’s Important! Have a Voice! Record your Views!
Peace Memorial Hall, High Street, Codicote,
Saturday 29th April 10.30 am – 12.30 pm

For further information please follow the link: – Neighbourhood Plan – Codicote Parish Council (codicote-pc.gov.uk)

Create your own user feedback survey

The Electoral Commission – Voter ID: A Summary

With the upcoming local elections on Thursday 4th May 2023 taking place in North Hertfordshire, please find attached a summary of the voter ID required to take part. If you don’t have the appropriate ID the summary provides details of how to apply for a free voter ID document known as a Voter Authority Certificate.

Codicote Parish Council Tender – Parish Council Assets

The Pavilion, Bury Lane, Codicote, Herts SG4 8XY

Tele No: 07754 745830

Email: clerk@codicote-pc.gov.uk

2nd March 2023

Tender – Parish Council Assets

Codicote Parish Council would like to invite interested parties to tender for the repair/refurbishment of Parish Council assets. The full details of the requirements can be obtained via the clerk on the contacts details provided above.

The closing date for tender quotation is Friday 31st March 2023. The quotation should include all costs for materials, labour and any travel and be submitted in writing to the clerk and forwarded to the address at the top of the page or via the email documented.

Thank you for your interest.

Simon Crosier

Clerk to Codicote Parish Council

Hertfordshire Constabulary – Neighbourhood Surgery Saturday 25th February 10.30am – 12noon outside Peace Memorial Hall

Come and meet your local Neighbourhood officers.

Discuss local issues, get crime prevention advice, tell us what matters most to you about policing in your area and sign up to your local neighbourhood watch group.


The Resident

Highway Locality
Hertfordshire County Council
Pegs Lane
Hertford, SG13 8DF


Email: tro.team@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Ref: NH00123
Date: 8th February 2023

Dear Resident


To improve road safety, Hertfordshire County Council proposes, under the Road
Traffic Regulation Act 1984, to introduce waiting restrictions in parts of High Street at
its junctions with Cowards Lane and Tower Road and St Albans Road at its junction
with The Green in Codicote.
The locations have been identified as a priority by your local County Councillor, with
funding being provided from the Highway Locality Budget.
Starting Wednesday 8th February, the notice shown overleaf will be erected on lamp
columns in the vicinity of the restrictions and an advertisement will run in the local
newspaper. The purpose of this letter is to consult you on the proposal and invite your
support or objection.
Objections to the proposals should be made in writing to TRO Services Team, Postal
Point (CHO242), First Floor, East Link Corridor, County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford,
Herts, SG13 8DN or tro.team@hertfordshire.gov.uk by 1 March 2023 stating the
grounds on which they are made.

Yours faithfully

Graham Taylor
Community Highway Works Design Team


NOTICE is given that the Hertfordshire County Council in order to improve road safety proposes
under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to introduce waiting restrictions in Codicote as specified
in the Schedule to the Notice and indicated on the below plans.
Documents giving more detailed particulars of the proposals may be inspected from 8 February 2023
during normal office hours, at Main Reception, Hertfordshire County Council, County Hall, Pegs
Lane, Hertford, or may be viewed on-line at www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/trafficorders by selecting North
Herts and looking at Ref: NH00123
General enquiries relating to the proposals should be referred to the Highways Engineer
concerned Graham Taylor tel: 07503 941717 or graham.taylor@hertfordshire.gov.uk
Objections to the proposals should be made in writing to TRO Services Team, Postal Point
(CHO242), First Floor, East Link Corridor, County Hall, Pegs Lane, Hertford, Herts, SG13 8DN or
tro.team@hertfordshire.gov.uk by 1 March 2023 stating the grounds on which they are made.
SCHEDULE: No waiting at any time – effecting those sections of road herein listed and as set out in
the Order and accompanying plans – High Street at its junctions with Cowards Lane and Tower
Road; St Albans Road at its junction with The Green.

Consulting on this scheme is a statutory duty of the County Council. Any personal data you provide in
responding to this Notice will be treated as confidential but will be shared with HCC Officers; County
Councillors and contracted third parties who are involved in the statutory process. We will not share
identifiable data with third parties outside of the statutory process. Guidance on your rights in respect of
personal data are published in the Privacy Policy on our website, Hertfordshire.gov.uk

County Hall
Herts SG13 8DN

8 February 2023

Mark Kemp

Executive Director Environment and Transport

20mph Consultation

Following a request from the Parish Council, Hertfordshire County Council is carrying out a consultation with residents about the possibility of introducing a 20mph zone into the village and reducing the speed on roads entering the village.


Consultation papers are attached and HCC is asking for online responses at https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/codicote20 . The closing date for the consultation is Monday 12 December.

Notice – Residents of Codicote

The Parish Council have arranged for a one-hour slot at the beginning of the next full Council meeting on Tuesday 29th November for discussions surrounding the four housing developments in Codicote along with the ongoing issues with construction at the Heath Lane site. Ruth Brown – the Deputy Leader of North Herts Council and Executive Member for Planning and Transport – and District Councillor Ian Moody will also be in attendance to listen to the discussion.

All residents are welcome to attend the meeting, which is being held at the Peace Memorial Hall in Codicote for a 7.30pm start.